트럼프 국회 연설문 핵심 분석

트럼프 대통령 국회 연설의 핵심분석

-트럼프의 연설문을 통해 미국에서 생각하는 우리나라 추론해보기

이번 포스팅에서는 트럼프 대통령의 한국 국회 연설문을 분석하겠습니다. 총 34분에 가까운 연설을 전문에서 핵심만 추려서 살펴보겠습니다. 미국이 한국을 어떤 입장에서 보고 있는지를 알아보고, 연설문에서 뽑을 수 있는 좋은 Speaking표현도 콕찝어 드리겠습니다.

<국회 연설 Speaking 총평>

-연설 속도: 

평소에 얘기할 때보다 훨씬 더 느리게 연설했습니다. 동시통역을 하신 분들에게는 힘든 시간이었을 것 같습니다. 통역도 리듬이 있어야 쭉 - 이어서 이어가는데, 트럼프가 국회에서 영어를 못알아들을까봐 걱정해서 그런 건지, 통역을 의식했는지, 아주 천천히 끊어서 얘기했습니다. 
국제회의통역사분들에게는 흐름이 끊겨서 힘든 시간이었겠지만, 우리에게는 정말 좋은 리스닝 자료가 될 수 있습니다. 트럼프가 이상할 정도로 띄엄띄엄 얘기하니, 받아적기(Dictation)연습을 해보는 것을 추천 드립니다. 국제적인 이목이 집중되면서도, 우리와 관련된 연설을 찾기가 쉽지 않은데, 이번 트럼프 연설이 그 좋은 예시가 되기 때문입니다.

-전체적인 문장구조:

 문장구조 역시 그다지 복잡할 것이 없습니다. 트럼프는 평소에도 대중에게 쉽게 들리는 쉬운 문장구조와 쉬운 어휘를 사용하는 것으로 알려져 있는데, 이번 국회연설에서는 더욱더 쉬운 표현을 쓰려고 노력한 것 같습니다. 그래도 문장 자체는 깔끔해서 표현을 공부하는데 좋은 자료가 됩니다. 다른 대부분의 연설문이 그렇지만, 특히 대통령 연설문이 영어 스피킹 연습에 큰 도움이 되는 이유는 문장 자체의 리듬이 좋기 때문입니다. 보좌관들이 수십번씩 읽으면서 어휘를 선택하고, 리듬과 문장 길이를 맞추고, 대통령이 연습하면서 또 고치는 과정이 반복되기 때문에, 수려한 문장과 좋은 표현이 가득할 수밖에 없기 때문입니다.

자 그럼, 이제 핵심 내용을 보겠습니다.

The terror of the North
North Korean women are forced to abort babies that are considered ethnically inferior. And if these babies are born, the newborns are murdered. One woman’s baby born to a Chinese father was taken away in a bucket. The guards said it did not “deserve to live because it was impure.” So why would China feel an obligation to help North Korea?
- 이 부분은 

And so, on this peninsula, we have watched the results of a tragic experiment in a laboratory of history. It is a tale of one people, but two Koreas. One Korea in which the people took control of their lives and their country, and chose a future of freedom and justice, of civilization, and incredible achievement. And another Korea in which leaders imprison their people under the banner of tyranny, fascism, and oppression. The result of this experiment are in, and they are totally conclusive.
It is a cult
North Korea is a country ruled as a cult. At the center of this military cult is a deranged belief in the leader’s destiny to rule as parent protector over a conquered Korean Peninsula and an enslaved Korean people. The more successful South Korea becomes, the more decisively you discredit the dark fantasy at the heart of the Kim regime. In this way, the very existence of a thriving South Korean republic threatens the very survival of the North Korean dictatorship.
This reality this wonderful place your success is the greatest cause of anxiety, alarm, and even panic to the North Korean regime. That is why the Kim regime seeks conflict abroad to distract from total failure that they suffer at home.
We won’t let you have the bomb
All the while, the regime has pursued nuclear weapons with the deluded hope that it could blackmail its way to the ultimate objective. And that objective we are not going to let it have. We are not going to let it have. All of Korea is under that spell, divided in half. South Korea will never allow what’s going on in North Korea to continue to happen.
Don’t try us
To this day, it continues to launch missiles over the sovereign territory of Japan and all other neighbors, test nuclear devices, and develop ICBMs to threaten the United States itself. The regime has interpreted America’s past restraint as weakness. This would be a fatal miscalculation. This is a very different administration than the United States has had in the past.
Today, I hope I speak not only for our countries, but for all civilized nations, when I say to the North: Do not underestimate us, and do not try us. We will defend our common security, our shared prosperity, and our sacred liberty.
America will fight back
America does not seek conflict or confrontation, but we will never run from it. History is filled with discarded regimes that have foolishly tested America’s resolve.
Anyone who doubts the strength or determination of the United States should look to our past, and you will doubt it no longer. We will not permit America or our allies to be blackmailed or attacked. We will not allow American cities to be threatened with destruction. We will not be intimidated. And we will not let the worst atrocities in history be repeated here, on this ground, we fought and died so hard to secure.
Russia and China must help
All responsible nations must join forces to isolate the brutal regime of North Korea to deny it and any form any form of it. You cannot support, you cannot supply, you cannot accept. We call on every nation, including China and Russia, to fully implement UN Security Council resolutions, downgrade diplomatic relations with the regime, and sever all ties of trade and technology.
It is our responsibility and our duty to confront this danger together because the longer we wait, the greater the danger grows, and the fewer the options become. And to those nations that choose to ignore this threat, or, worse still, to enable it, the weight of this crisis is on your conscience.
I’m talking to you Kim
I also have come here to this peninsula to deliver a message directly to the leader of the North Korean dictatorship: the weapons you are acquiring are not making you safer. They are putting your regime in grave danger. Every step you take down this dark path increases the peril you face.
North Korea is not the paradise your grandfather envisioned. It is a hell that no person deserves. Yet, despite every crime you have committed against God and man, you are ready to offer, and we will do that we will offer a path to a much better future. It begins with an end to the aggression of your regime, a stop to your development of ballistic missiles, and complete, verifiable, and total denuclearization.
A brighter path
A sky-top view of this peninsula shows a nation of dazzling light in the South and a mass of impenetrable darkness in the North. We seek a future of light, prosperity, and peace. But we are only prepared to discuss this brighter path for North Korea if its leaders cease their threats and dismantle their nuclear program.
Ps: my golf course
Korean golfers are some of the best on Earth. In fact and you know what I’m going to say the Women’s US Open was held this year at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, and it just happened to be won by a great Korean golfer, Sung-hyun Park.(원문제공: theGardians)

지금까지 크리스 선생님이었습니다. 혹시 


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