아이엘츠 스피킹 연습문제3: IELTS Speaking Practice Test3 -쉴드아이엘츠(ShieldIELTS)
IELTS Speaking Practice Test3
– What is your full name?
– Can I see your passport?
– Where do you live?
– Can I see your passport?
– Where do you live?
– Do you live in an apartment?
– Do you enjoy living there?
– If you don’t like it, where would you want to live in the future?
– Do you enjoy living there?
– If you don’t like it, where would you want to live in the future?
- Have you ever talked to your neibours?
– Do you have any good or bad experience related with your neighbours?
– Will you help them if they need your help?
– Do you have any good or bad experience related with your neighbours?
– Will you help them if they need your help?
– The public transport system in your country is good?
– Do you take the subway often?
– Do you think you will use cars more often in the future? Why?
– Do you prefer a bus or a train when you go travelling? Why?
– Do you take the subway often?
– Do you think you will use cars more often in the future? Why?
– Do you prefer a bus or a train when you go travelling? Why?
Describe a formal outfit such as suits or dresses that you like. Please say
– What colour is it?
– When do you usually wear it?
– Why do you like it so much?
– When do you usually wear it?
– Why do you like it so much?
– How often do people go shopping in your country?
– Do more women like shopping than men? Why?
– What kind of clothes do people wear in the traditional holidays in your country?
– What do they wear in the workplace?
– Do you agree that all the students should wear uniforms in their schools?
- Can we judge people by their clothing?
1.Key Expressions
-Actually, I didn’t any chance to meet my neighbors because I live in an apartment.
-I think the subway is really popular in Korea.
-We cannot judge people by their looks because appearance doesn’t show someone’s personality or mind.
*personality는 개인의 성격(특히 인성)을 말합니다.
Part1에는 여러분이 살고 있는 장소에 대한 질문이 나옵니다. 특히 자신이 사는 곳을 도시와 시골의 개념으로 나눠서 설명해주는 것이 좋습니다. 예를 들면, 대도시의 아파트에 산다면 사람이 많고, 공기가 안좋다는 등 도시생활의 특징을 언급해주면 답변이 훨씬 쉬워집니다.
Part2에서 여러분이 입는 의복과 관련해서 좋아하는 옷의 모양과 색을 묘사하고, 어떤 행사에서 보통 그 옷을 입는 지를 설명해주는 것이 좋습니다. 어떤 경우에 옷을 입는지를 설명하면서, 그날 옷과 관련된 스토리를 설명해주는 것이 답변하기가 쉽습니다.
Part3에서는 의복, 쇼핑과 과소비문제, 외모지상주의 문제 등으로 확장되어 논의가 진행됩니다. 이때 의복이나 외모와 관련된 우리나라만의 사례를 생각해보는 것을 추천 드립니다.
위 연습문제에 대해서 실제로 답안을 적어보고, 녹화를 하면서 직접 말해 봅시다.
추가로 아래의 심화문제를 풀어봅시다.
동일한 문제를 An underground, bus를 키워드로 연습해봅시다.
Part2, Part3
동일한 질문을 a piece of clothing, weddings를 키워드로 연습해봅시다.
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